Astronomy is the Key to solving the World's Mysteries
“Culture of Astronomy” by Thomas K. Dietrich presents the key to solving the World’s Ancient Mysteries through Astronomy. Dietrich has traveled the globe preforming on-site investigations at holy energy sites after spending a lifetime of studying ancient records, worldviews, and culture. He has found that all ancient civilizations begin with their appreciation of the mechanisms and principles of astronomy which leads them directly to other sciences, philosophy, and religion. Astronomy is the mother of science. The cycles of astronomy contain the history of the world. Cosmic myth is written upon the constellations in the sky. Geologic upheavals of flood, fire, drought, and ice are assigned to the signs of the zodiac. Astronomy developed the “scientific method” of long-term observation, recordation within a calibrated setting of wooden and stone markers, continual review, and adjusted by more sky-watching and record-keeping prior to attempting to formulate theories and con...