Climate Change & Global Warming
Global Warming & Theories on Ancient Climate Cycles
Al Gore's documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, presents scientific data which depicts a forthcoming global crisis which will change ocean levels and accentuate weather conditions which will threaten the places where millions of people live. Extreme weather conditions will threaten our electric-based societies.
Some Talking Points:
The number one scientifically recognized natural disaster is, and will always be, over-population.
Future weather conditions may actually come from regular changes in the weather cycles. Researchers into antiquity have found that California, Ireland, and Egypt had experienced 2160 years cycles of Wet Weather, followed by another 2160 years of generally Cold Global Weather. After this last cold weather cycle the Earth has enjoyed three weather cycles (3 x 2160 = 6480 years) of extremely temperate, and fruitful weather conditions. It may be concluded that this long temperate weather pattern is responsible for the high yields in food production leading to the current over-population crisis.
After such a long period of kind weather conditions one might expect harsh and cold conditions on the weather horizon. The scientific community should make up their mind if we are in the grips of Global Warming, and/or extreme weather variations; or whether we should prepare our countries for a cycle of long term cold climate conditions. There is a big difference in policy. Should we change our habits in order to reverse Global Warming, or should we prepare for a colder global climate?
Much of the ice at the North Pole is far below sea level. And if it is true that water itself is an anomaly in nature -in that it is one of the very few things that expands as it freezes -then when it thaws -it should displace less area than it did in its frozen state. So, this particular melt-off could lower the sea level -rather than raise it. As the ice melts and returns to its fluid state of moisture which generates floods, rain storms, hurricanes, and many other aspects of water in motion. The electronic-technology of modern science is quite fragile and conditional upon tranquil and temperate weather conditions. The new aspect of water in motion will compromise the effectiveness of our inventions, possibly throwing us back into a stone-age where the best technology may be the bow and arrow once again.
(see chart in The Origin of Culture)
This chart is fully discussed in The Origin of Culture. The information from this charts says that: 1.) We have enjoyed a remarkable period of 6000 years of very temperate climate that has produced a food surplus which has generated extreme overpopulation. 2.) Very soon, in the year 2160 AD the general global climate will be generally colder and thereby threaten electric based societies, as well as diminish the food supply. After this cold period of 2160 years; there will follow a dry and temperate period. 3.) The current weather extremes are expected upon the borderlands of time between a major climate change.
The Pangaea Theory was also mentioned by Al Gore. This theory was first muted by none other than the most famous map maker Abraham Ortelius in 1596. It is curious that the turn of one continent into many landmasses happens to take about 216 million years which is science's current approximation of the Rotation of our Milky Way Galaxy. There are no real continents because the shape of the continents is only determined by the present sea level. Continents do not swim around on this surface like plastic ducks. The Pangaean theory does not seem to present or account for any variations in the levels of the oceans because in the beginning of the theory there is the same land mass as there is 216 million years later when the continents are separated.
Professor Dr. Richard Muller of the University of California-Berkeley proclaims, "Astronomy is responsible for almost all climate changes."
Al Gore's documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, presents scientific data which depicts a forthcoming global crisis which will change ocean levels and accentuate weather conditions which will threaten the places where millions of people live. Extreme weather conditions will threaten our electric-based societies.
Some Talking Points:
The number one scientifically recognized natural disaster is, and will always be, over-population.
Corporations and governments are actually looking forward to some of the effects of Global Warming. The USA, Russia, Norway, and Canada are fighting in the World Court over the oil and mineral rich under-sea territory at the North Polar regions which will be accessible when the ice melts. The ancient North-West Passage will once again be opened for transport. Russia and Canada have already signed trade agreements to exchange commodities when the Arctic Ocean is open to easy navigation. Because many will benefit from global climate change there is a huge propaganda aspect to this issue which includes the agenda of Green Energy. The Northwest Passage was open before. This sounds like a cycle repeating itself over and over again.
Future weather conditions may actually come from regular changes in the weather cycles. Researchers into antiquity have found that California, Ireland, and Egypt had experienced 2160 years cycles of Wet Weather, followed by another 2160 years of generally Cold Global Weather. After this last cold weather cycle the Earth has enjoyed three weather cycles (3 x 2160 = 6480 years) of extremely temperate, and fruitful weather conditions. It may be concluded that this long temperate weather pattern is responsible for the high yields in food production leading to the current over-population crisis.
After such a long period of kind weather conditions one might expect harsh and cold conditions on the weather horizon. The scientific community should make up their mind if we are in the grips of Global Warming, and/or extreme weather variations; or whether we should prepare our countries for a cycle of long term cold climate conditions. There is a big difference in policy. Should we change our habits in order to reverse Global Warming, or should we prepare for a colder global climate?
Much of the ice at the North Pole is far below sea level. And if it is true that water itself is an anomaly in nature -in that it is one of the very few things that expands as it freezes -then when it thaws -it should displace less area than it did in its frozen state. So, this particular melt-off could lower the sea level -rather than raise it. As the ice melts and returns to its fluid state of moisture which generates floods, rain storms, hurricanes, and many other aspects of water in motion. The electronic-technology of modern science is quite fragile and conditional upon tranquil and temperate weather conditions. The new aspect of water in motion will compromise the effectiveness of our inventions, possibly throwing us back into a stone-age where the best technology may be the bow and arrow once again.
Charles Hapgood concluded that the Orontius Finaeus map of the South Pole Antarctic regions was an accurate map copied from maps prior to the last Ice Age, at a time when there was no ice cap! His conclusions were substantiated by modern US Navy soundings of the true bays and shape of the current landmass under the ice which agreed in shape and size with the ancient map's projection of Antarctica. The question is, "If the Navy's data and the old map concurred -and both showed the same size land mass -why wasn't the mass smaller on the old map because the ice was at that time in the form of water; and so the oceans would have been higher and covering more land?
Furthermore, there was a recent PBS program where a team of scientists showed that there was as much accumulation as there was dissipation of ice and snow at the south pole. Because modern data recording extreme temperatures is only one or two hundred years in existence -new extreme record high and low temperatures will continually arise. Records should at least cover a thousand years to have any usable information.
On the Larry King show (January 31, 2007), Richard S. Lindzen of M.I.T. said that there was no genuine consensus of scientific opinion about Global Warming -but rather, there was a very loose knit agreement on: 1.) current global temperature rise since the 1970's (prior to that temperatures were below average since the 1940's). 2.) Global temperature is related to Global Population expansion. Dr. Lindzen participated in the forthcoming review on global warming, and stated that every scientist writes a short paper on the problem. These are then reviewed by interested parties, such as the environmental groups like the Sierra Club, Energy Companies, multinational corporations who write their own conclusions of the scientist's papers. This is so because it is they, the large interested parties, who foot the bills of the study which includes giving 2500 scientists several round the world fact-finding cruises.
Real science needs to be separated from political and corporate interests. This is as important than the separation of church and state. Whenever new scientific discoveries are proposed nowadays -one's first reaction should be that of a trial lawyer in questioning, "and whom does this finding serve and benefit?" Political agendas tend to distort scientific fact, as well as drawing our attention away from more pressing concerns. As the renowned meteorologist, Rob Marceano lamented, we should be focusing upon saving the Amazon Rain Forests, which are the very lungs of the earth. But indeed, the rain forests are yesterday's news. The flow of events in our fast paced world does not differentiate between the relative importance of events. Nothing is more important than another thing in the fast flowing stream of news and events. The best policy would be for every nation to adopt a portion of the Amazon rain forest. Funds would be given to the indigenous people as stewards of their domain, and also rent would be paid to the government and localities to also monitor the preservation of habitats. The sponsoring nations would also put boots on the ground as inspector generals to safeguard, oversee, and administrate this entire process.
Below is a climate chart based upon the cosmic cycles discovered by our ancestors, the ancient cosmologers. The following chart shows the climatic result of the combination of the Cycle of the Galactic Revolution, the Cycle of Galactic Rotation, and the Cycle of the Precession of the Vernal Equinoxes covering a period of 17,280 years of global climate:
(see chart in The Origin of Culture)
The Pangaea Theory was also mentioned by Al Gore. This theory was first muted by none other than the most famous map maker Abraham Ortelius in 1596. It is curious that the turn of one continent into many landmasses happens to take about 216 million years which is science's current approximation of the Rotation of our Milky Way Galaxy. There are no real continents because the shape of the continents is only determined by the present sea level. Continents do not swim around on this surface like plastic ducks. The Pangaean theory does not seem to present or account for any variations in the levels of the oceans because in the beginning of the theory there is the same land mass as there is 216 million years later when the continents are separated.
Professor Dr. Richard Muller of the University of California-Berkeley proclaims, "Astronomy is responsible for almost all climate changes."
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