The City Hall Shootings 11/27/1978 Astrology

The Harvey Milk & Moscone Shootings 11/27/1978 Astrology On Monday, November 27 th 1978 San Francisco was rocked by the deadly ‘City Hall’ shootings of gay Supervisor Harvey Milk and gay advocate Mayor George Moscone. The event proved to be a seminal moment in the establishment of ‘inclusion philosophy and rainbow politics’ throughout America. We cannot look into the hearts and minds of people to discover the motives that drove them to action –or, can we? When psychologists frame their diagnosis, it is based on the study of like-behavior of others. The psychologist really only offers his best opinion of similar episodes and outcomes. Motives are “drivers” that spur us to action. Ancient astrologers consulted the positions of the heavenly bodies to determine the real cause of events –which are due to the physics of our solar system and the universe. We will compose an accurate horoscope of that fatal da...