The City Hall Shootings 11/27/1978 Astrology

The Harvey Milk & Moscone Shootings 11/27/1978 Astrology
On Monday, November 27th 1978 San Francisco was rocked by the deadly ‘City Hall’ shootings of gay Supervisor Harvey Milk and gay advocate Mayor George Moscone. The event proved to be a seminal moment in the establishment of ‘inclusion philosophy and rainbow politics’ throughout America.
We cannot look into the hearts and minds of people to discover the motives that drove them to action –or, can we? When psychologists frame their diagnosis, it is based on the study of like-behavior of others. The psychologist really only offers his best opinion of similar episodes and outcomes. Motives are “drivers” that spur us to action. Ancient astrologers consulted the positions of the heavenly bodies to determine the real cause of events –which are due to the physics of our solar system and the universe. We will compose an accurate horoscope of that fatal day, and compare the birth horoscopes of the major actors in this drama –in order to determine if there is a celestial coincidence between the astrology of the day and each of the players’ birth dates.

Horoscope of Monday, November 27, 1978 - The City Hall Shootings

            As anticipated, such a momentous day presented awful and ominous alignments of Neptune, Mercury, Mars, in conjunction with center of our galaxy (aka: the Black Hole), located in the House of Scorpio. These celestials closely attended the rising Sun in the position of -122°west longitude, the exact geography of the city of San Francisco! Saturn stood quartile to Neptune, Mercury, Mars, and Galactic Center; while the Moon appeared sextile to this same group. This horrible day would mark a significant turn-over in the political structure of Baghdad by the Bay; and influence Democratic strategy and politics across the nation. Old San Francisco was created and built by Jews, Germans, Italians, Irish, and Chinese labor. After this day, the gay and lesbian communities would unite politically to overthrow the old European hegemony in the ‘White Night’ riots of May 21, 1979 in response to the lenient sentencing of Dan White, the City Hall shooter.

Looking at the horoscopes of the individuals involved presents pin-point connections with the luminaries and planets on that infamous day of the City Hall Shootings:

Most significantly, George R. Moscone’s birth horoscope has Sun, Mercury, and Mars in conjunction with the exact geographic position of San Francisco at -122°west longitude from 00° Greenwich, England.  Moon and Neptune stand nefariously quartile to the above grouping centered upon the longitude of San Francisco. Saturn rises directly after the evil grouping of planets. Moscone’s horoscope eerily mimics the horoscope of Monday, November 27, 1978 which featured Black Hole, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune in conjunction with Saturn in quartile. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are universally regarded as bad actors and reactionaries; while Mercury acts in unison with the planets and luminaries he accompanies.

Harvey Bernard Milk’s birth horoscope has Neptune in quartile to Mercury and the Sun being led by Mars. He was born in Woodmere, New York on a day when Saturn was in conjunction with the geography of Woodmere at -73°west longitude.

Dan James White, the shooter’s birth horoscope, has a very crowded and complicated gathering of Neptune-Mars-Venus-Jupiter in Virgo, the lunar house and exaltation of Mercury. The Sun and Moon bracket Mercury which stands exactly quartile to the longitude of San Francisco and the Moon. Dan White served in Vietnam and like so many young soldiers may have contracted some psychological problems. He could be described as a Mercurial personality changing his occupations several times from soldier to fireman, policeman, and Supervisor; and changing his mind by wishing to be reinstated as Supervisor once again.

Dan White was commonly portrayed as a Visitation Valley resident at odds with the culture of the Castro neighborhood. White failed to appreciate the paradigm political shift that was taking place all around him. Even though Brown and Moscone began their gay and lesbian inclusion strategy early in the 1970s –a good Irish Catholic could not imagine that a gay guy and a black man could actually change the culture of San Francisco. Curiously, at his trial, a taped confession of White revealed that he broke down crying with such self-effacing candor and remorse that several jurors began crying in unison and sympathy with the tape. From later remarks, it seems that Dan White could not grasp the gravity of what he had done, and truly why he had done it.

What was Willie Brown doing in George Moscone’s Office on the Day of the Shooting?
One of the prime actors in this play was not scheduled to be on stage this day –namely, Willie Brown whose job was in Sacramento in the State Assembly where he started as Democratic Whip and rose to Speaker of the House. Willie Brown had come specifically to bid Mayor Moscone not to reinstate White as Supervisor. Like a true stage drama –as Dan White entered Moscone’s outer office to shoot him dead, Willie Brown had exited through another door.

The Jonestown Massacre & the Peoples Temple
It is so unbelievable that the Jonestown Massacre of over 900 people occurred just nine days before the City Hall Shootings. This event posed a significant threat to Willie Brown’s career as Brown was a promoter and supporter of Jim Jones, the Peoples Temple and the Rainbow Coalition. Brown feared that all was lost in liberal politics and that the reinstatement of Dan White and the old ruling class would be part of a conservative resurgence. It was vital for him to convince the Mayor Moscone to stand firm to dismiss Dan White.

Willie Brown had met Moscone at Hastings Law School and the two were lifelong friends. Brown was certainly interested in uniting African-Americans, Latinos, and Asian-Americans with the new power-group of gays and lesbians. Brown was always the puppeteer pulling the strings –the man behind the scenes. He was a master politician who could play with all the chess pieces on the board at the same time –politics was just a chess game of moving pieces in a well-practiced and concerted effort to win the game. As a lawyer, Willie Brown represented prostitutes, Mario Savio of the Free Speech Movement, and authored the 1970 Consenting Adults Sex Bill legalizing homosexuality, which did not pass until 1975 –clearly exhibited Brown’s early loyal support for the gay and lesbian communities. His close friend Mayor Moscone was also an early supporter of gay rights. Frank Falzon said that Dan White had confided in him that he, Dan supposedly wanted to take out all of them; and that “Supervisor Carol Ruth Silver was the biggest snake of the bunch” and “that Willie Brown was masterminding the whole thing.”

Willie Brown’s birth chart shows his birthplace to be Mineola, Texas, which is exactly geographically aligned to the Black Hole center of our galaxy at longitude -95.4°west longitude. His chart shows Neptune directly opposite to Mercury which is bracketed by Venus and Saturn on one side and by the Sun and Mars on the other side. Again, this reiterates the November 27, 1978 day theme of Black Hole, Neptune, Mercury, Saturn and Mars.

You would think that Willie Brown would have backed off practicing his political chicanery after the Peoples Temple of Rev. Jim Jones became the horror of the world. One would question too; how so many leading lights of the Liberal Movement were deceived by the false prophet Jim Jones. Among those fervent supporters of Jim Jones who were taken in by the cult were President Carter’s wife Rosalynn Carter, Walter Mondale, Jane Fonda, Jerry Brown, George Moscone, Rev Cecil Williams, and Willie Brown.

Our parents always reminded us that we would be judged by the friends that we hang out with and keep. The character of Jim Jones could be described as –a drug addicted philanderer who preached that he was the reincarnation of Gandhi, Buddha, Christ, and Lenin. Jones proclaimed, “If you see me as your God; I’ll be your God…no heaven up there; we’ll have to make heaven down here!” Yet in his final hurrah, Jim Jones promised his 909 followers Translation to another planet after they drank the poisoned grape flavored Kool-Aid punch. To top it all off, Jim Jones was a clandestine Communist who hid under the banner of ‘Apostolic Socialism’ and inclusion in what he called the Rainbow Family. Willie Brown appeared at the Peoples Temple as Master of Ceremonies and actually called Jones –“a combination of Martin Luther King Jr, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, and Mao Tse Tung.”

But still, what was Willie Brown doing in Moscone’s office on November 27, 1978?

If we look at what happened in the sequence of events: Jonestown Massacre and nine days to City Hall Shootings –we could imagine that Willie Brown was deeply afraid that everything that he had orchestrated had been destroyed by the Jonestown Massacre of his friend the Rev Jim Jones whom Willie had supported and praised so highly. Brown was terrified and begged Moscone not to restore Dan White to the office of Supervisor –where Dan would easily deride Willie Brown’s connection with the maniac Jim Jones.
Willie Brown had no idea that Dan White intended to shoot Moscone that day –an incident that turned everything upside-down and around again. The shootings saved everything for Willie Brown –one news cycle eclipsed the other; and everything was fine. Ironically, Dan White’s rash resolve saved Willie Brown. Dan White unknowingly placed himself into the characterization of the homophobic white man killing gays and lesbians –which removed all attention from Jim Jones, his 909 followers, and Jamestown.

Considering what might-have, could-have, or should-have happened; this was one of the most unbelievable concatenation of events. "Inclusive politics" triumphed, and  experienced a phenomenal reversal of fortune, and Willie Brown presumably slept well that night! Everything seems always to happen in San Francisco.


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