Evidence points to Wuhan, China


Empedocles (492-432 B.C.) says that life is eternal change, in the cycles of birth, growth, maturity, and death. Cities are created and destroyed. Nations and empires rise and fall. Nothing moves in a straight line for long. Change and necessity are the only constants in the universe. We can no longer believe that the cosmos is progressing to bring us a better life and more advanced things –because change is not always progress.

Thinking along these lines about ‘Change;’ especially during these times when the world is under siege from the Wuhan Virus; there are countless ways to characterize the reasons for our current situation such as:

·         God is angry with us for our immorality.
·         Nature is mad at our pollution.
·         The Earth is afraid we are sucking all the oil out of her joints.
Let us return to Empedocles’s notions of perpetual Change. What could possibly be the reason for this physics of “change?”  Well, Change makes the world a beautiful and interesting place to live in. Look at all the variety in people, birds, animals and aquatic creatures –as well as the jagged mountains, pale deserts, and alluring coastlines. Change seems to provide and insist upon a balance among all the gifts of creation. Change cannot abide anything that attempts to dominate or take-over its realm; and disturb the delicate balance that Change is in charge of managing –forever!

Now, let us consider exactly what “we” are doing: we are fishing the denizens of the deep out of existence. We are ravaging the special environments necessary to unique creatures of the air and land. But, more than all this; we are “too many” in our species –and this sets off the preventive mechanisms of Change to cull our numbers. The delicate balance has been overwhelmed too long, and the alien viruses will restore order again.

The virus was so otherworldly and alien that leaders in medicine, disease control, and government were covering their lack of expertise with outrageous proclamations and forecasts. At the White House, Doctor Anthony Fauci was changing his opinions and statistics faster than a Mexican jumping-bean –throwing out estimates of carnage from negligible to 200,000 U.S. deaths; and back again to lesser numbers. Nobody got the situation totally right –and how could they; regarding this alien from outer space that came without warning, and with such an inscrutable pedigree?

Whenever we encounter unsolvable mysteries we should tack, and look beyond the typical sciences and traditional institutions. If the solution is not here on Earth, maybe it is in the heavens above. It turned out that the earliest notice of the virus occurred on November 17, 2019 in Wuhan, China when 266 people died of a mysterious plague. Various purveyors of the fake-news put out conspiracy theories involving Russia, China, and America who were said to be attacking one another with the virus. But, according to astrology, the virus came from the Black Hole of the center of our Milky Way Galaxy to which the planet Jupiter was exactly aligned. The astrological positions that prevailed on that date show that the Moon was in opposition to Saturn; and quarter to Mars and Uranus. The fact that makes this theory so powerful is the coincidence that Wuhan’s position on the globe is +114.2° East Longitude to which the Moon was in conjunction that day on November 17, 2019. Please consult the horoscope below:

Trying to read the future, one might suggest that since the slow-moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn are directly involved in this human catastrophe –progress with the virus could take more time. Today (4/4/2020), Mars is joined with Jupiter and Saturn who are in close conjunction throughout this year, and into December 21, 2020, and maybe somewhat longer.

Wrestling more information from astrology requires us to compose horoscopes of the New Moon of the New Year 2018-2019 using whichever New Moon fell closer to the winter solstice of December 21, 2018; and also looking at the spring equinox, and the New Moon on March 19, 2020. We must also look at the New Moon of the New Year of 2019-2020 where Saturn appears in direct opposition to Wuhan, China at +114°East Longitude. Reading the horoscopes in order of their occurrence (winter solstice, New Year’s Moon,  spring equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox; and the New Moons of every month) will give order and understanding to the dramatic motions of astrology as if following a heavenly plot in a book of the sky-watchers.

Also interesting is the fact that our California springtime has been one of the most splendid blossoming displays for many a year with appropriate light showers of gentle rain, abundant afternoon sunshine, and rather cool nights. Therefore we should not connect the Wuhan virus with our seasonal climate which has been soft and wonderful. This is another possible reason to assume that the virus was caused by the galaxy itself. The Black Hole at 17:46 Right Ascension to which Jupiter was aligned at the start of this virus is regarded in Vedic and Mexica-Maya-Andean culture as the Portal of the Dead; through which the souls of the departed return to the galaxy –there to become re-energized over time and return to Earth through the ante-gate at the other side of the Milky Way, at the ante-center near Gemini-Taurus.
            Finally, we need to examine the upcoming horoscope of the winter solstice on December 21, 2020, which is the day that Jupiter and Saturn exactly conjoin on the borders of Sagittarius-Capricorn. On that day, Jupiter and Saturn are almost in opposition (-11° ) to the longitude of the city of Wuhan, China –where all this began. In astrology coincidences are the most important facts of this science. The persistence of Jupiter and Saturn, since December 21, 2018, to remain in near opposition to Wuhan till December 21, 2020 is a meaningful and menacing coincidence in the celestial cycles.

            In Chaldean astrology, Jupiter is regarded as a kind and beneficial deity; while Saturn is called a teaching angel, concerned in agriculture with sowing and harvesting –but also called “Angel of Death” and “Grim Reaper.” Their combined conjunction in December 21, 2020 will place them on the borders of Sagittarius-Capricorn: where Sagittarius is a house of Jupiter, while Capricorn is a house of Saturn. Their conjunction occurs, again coincidentally, on the day of the winter solstice which will promote intense cold damaging many agrarian products as well as being harsh on lungs breathing-in frosty air. Mars is coincidentally exactly and dangerously quartile (90°) to the city of Wuhan in the house of Gemini on the above mentioned date. The Sun and Mercury are in conjunction with one another and threateningly close, coincidentally, to the Black Hole of our galaxy in Scorpio, house of Mars. Unfortunately, too, the Moon is close to her enemy, Neptune in the house of Aquarius, another domain of Saturn. There are too many coincidences to take this matter lightly. It would be good to remain calm, but also be responsibly prepared till the winter solstice of 2020 is past and gone. We do not know for certain –nobody knows.
[for diagram of the next horoscope please go to ...cosmomyth.com]

Above is a diagram of the forward and retrograde motion of Jupiter from 2019 to 2020. The blue dots are forward motion; while the red dots are retrograde motion. This phenomenon is peculiar to the Earth’s geo-centric perspective of the solar system –which accentuates a dance-like appearance in the night sky of planets beyond Earth. We notice that Jupiter’s dance is focused, back and forth, around the Black Hole of the galaxy –the suggested origin of the virus. Also, please notice that the dance concludes opposite to Wuhan, China. Hopefully, this will be the termination of the virus as well!

We have been on lock-down in San Mateo County, California for about three weeks under stricter and stricter rules of conduct and protection standards. All the people in line outside the gun and ammunition shops are not a good metric of our trust in local government to protect us, and serve our basic needs. We delivered our tax-returns to our accountant on the coast by Half Moon Bay; and were dumbfounded at the clarity of our vistas and the colors of the hills, sky, and sea. The Pacific Beaches and majestic ocean looked extraordinary pristine in every possible way. I questioned Nuala, my intelligent and lovely wife –if she had ever seen such extraordinary colors in the water, and the heavens? “Do you want to know why everything is so splendid?” she exclaimed, “Because, there are almost no airplanes in the sky; and very few cars on the roads. This is how the world looks without the nasty particles of pollution.” She was right as usual. The news next day reported that 40% of the world's aircraft were grounded, and many of them stored in Arizona and warm climates -possibly never to take to the air again.

Classical Mexica-Maya-Andean Background Material

[for diagram of this image please go to ...cosmomyth.com]

Model-copy of the Temple of Hochob in Campeche showing the Black Hole
as the mouth of the Cosmic Monster of the Milky Way Galaxy

Mexica-Maya-Andean cosmology expressed a universe that was driven by continual cycles of creation followed by destruction –over and over again. They recognized near-total global catastrophes of fire, ice, water and drought that culled the overpopulation of our dangerous species. Mexico City, Teotihuacan, Cholula, and countless Mexica-Maya sites are located around longitude -98°West which corresponds to 17 hours 46 minutes Right Ascension –the position of the Black Hole of the Galaxy. This means that their temples, homes, and agricultural lands were intimately associated with not only the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars; but the mighty presence of the influence of the Galactic Black Hole; said to be the gateway of death and return portal to the galaxy. Archaeologists have often wondered at the excessive symbolism of stonewalls of carved skulls, why their gods were shown with skull totems tied to their belts; and why the great avenue at Teotihuacan pyramids was called by the Aztecs, “Avenue of the Dead?” We can now understand that this avenue is directly aligned to the cosmic Black Hole, which is also the source of hurricanes and tornadoes originating in the Gulf of Mexico!

It is a such a great pity that archaeology tends to obscure and play-down the antiquity and native wonders of all the Americas; even though it is well known that there are many more pyramids here than in all the rest of the world together; and that until the invention of the atomic clock, the Maya had the most precise calendar ever on this planet.

Thomas Karl Dietrich is a student of ancient science, history, and astrology   4/6/2020
Please visit our website: cosmomyth.com


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