
Wuhan Virus subsides May 11, 2021

The earliest notice of the virus occurred on November 17, 2019 in Wuhan, China when 266 people died of a mysterious plague. We created an astrologic horoscope of that date which links the virus to Saturn at 19:12 Right Ascension (RA), directly opposite to the city of Wuhan, China at +114° east longitude. Mars is at right-angles to Saturn, as well the city of Wuhan and the Moon. Jupiter was direct conjunction with the Galactic Center (GC). We created month by month horoscopes from 11/17/2020 –5/11/21 showing the progress of the virus –and forecast that it would decline and disappear on May 11, 2021 as Jupiter finally moved more than 15° away from Saturn, while both planets lost every relationship and connection with Wuhan laboratories, the origin of the virus. I published my article on my blog and website; gave a copy to Dr. Johnson and his wife, contacted the CDC, and Victor Davis Hanson, Fellow at Hoover Tower at Stanford University with no results or comments. ...

Hey, where is my Nobel Prize in science?

November 17, 2019 two-hundred-sixty-six people died in Wuhan, China from a new virus. From that point we gave monthly updates predicting the course of the infections. We determined by astrological science that the virus would end in May 11, 2021, which it did. Jupiter and Saturn moved away from their connection with Wuhan, and all was good. I had contacted CDC, Stanford Medical, Hoover Institute, and gave a copy to our friends in the medical profession; as well as posting it here and on my website. Where is my prize? Thank You, TKD 

First to confirm the connection of Wuhan with the Virus

 We were the first to confirm relationship of Wuhan City with the Covid Virus. This confirmation was possible through the planetary positions and conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn and their relationship with the longitude of Wuhan City. Absolute positions on Earth and Sky do not lie -and cannot lie! Please see April 7, 2020 article Please see April 20, 2020 article Please see December 9, 2020 article

Final update on the Covid Virus

 According to classical astrology the Covid Virus will flare-up a few times before it disappears: ***December, 14, 2020 : Jupiter-Saturn opposite to Beijing. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Galactic Center all in conjunction with Galactic Center, and opposite Anti-Center. ***January 13, 2021 : Sun-Moon-Pluto opposite to Wuhan. Very close conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury opposite to Beijing. Mars quartile to Beijing. *February 11, 2021 : Sun-Moon-Jupiter▲60° from Galactic Center. Mars quartile to Mercury- Venus-Jupiter ( moving away from Saturn ). **March 13, 2021 : Sun-Moon-Venus-Neptune are all 120° to Wuhan while also quartile ■ to Galactic Center and Anti Center. **April 12, 2021 : Mars is in conjunction with Galactic Anti-Center 30° from Wuhan. Sun-Moon- Venus-Mercury in conjunction and 90° ■ from Wuhan. Jupiter is 60° from Galactic Center. Neptune is 90° from Galactic Center. May 11, 2021 : Sun-Moon, Mercury-Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all appear to be in harmless beni...

Virus from the Sky

Evidence points to Wuhan, China

THE VIRUS FROM WUHAN, CHINA   Empedocles (492-432 B.C.) says that life is eternal change, in the cycles of birth, growth, maturity, and death. Cities are created and destroyed. Nations and empires rise and fall. Nothing moves in a straight line for long. Change and necessity are the only constants in the universe. We can no longer believe that the cosmos is progressing to bring us a better life and more advanced things –because change is not always progress. Thinking along these lines about ‘Change;’ especially during these times when the world is under siege from the Wuhan Virus; there are countless ways to characterize the reasons for our current situation such as: ·          God is angry with us for our immorality. ·          Nature is mad at our pollution. ·          The Earth is afraid we are sucking all the oil out of her joints. Let us retu...

The City Hall Shootings 11/27/1978 Astrology

The Harvey Milk & Moscone Shootings 11/27/1978 Astrology On Monday, November 27 th 1978 San Francisco was rocked by the deadly ‘City Hall’ shootings of gay Supervisor Harvey Milk and gay advocate Mayor George Moscone. The event proved to be a seminal moment in the establishment of ‘inclusion philosophy and rainbow politics’ throughout America.              We cannot look into the hearts and minds of people to discover the motives that drove them to action –or, can we? When psychologists frame their diagnosis, it is based on the study of like-behavior of others. The psychologist really only offers his best opinion of similar episodes and outcomes. Motives are “drivers” that spur us to action. Ancient astrologers consulted the positions of the heavenly bodies to determine the real cause of events –which are due to the physics of our solar system and the universe. We will compose an accurate horoscope of that fatal da...